
Can I ever get a mortgage again?

You are eligible for an FHA after chapter 7 two years after the discharge. During those 2 years, you must have kept your credit clean and avoid taking on additional debt. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, I suggest consulting with an experienced bankruptcy attorney.

Can I go to jail?

If you intentionally lie on your bankruptcy schedules or during a bankruptcy court hearing you are committing a federal offense and could be charged with a crime whose punishment includes jail time if you are considering filing for bankruptcy, I suggest consulting with an experienced bankruptcy attorney.

What happens if I don’t disclose all my assets?

If you fail to disclose your assets you are committing bankruptcy fraud. Your bankruptcy can be denied and you may be charged with a federal crime and a punishment that includes jail time. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, I suggest consulting with an experienced bankruptcy attorney.

Can I sell my house after a bankruptcy?

If you fail to cooperate with the court or properly disclose your assets, income and other information required on your bankruptcy schedules, your bankruptcy discharge can be denied. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, I suggest consulting with an experienced bankruptcy attorney.