Individuals who have decided to file bankruptcy are already in a financial crisis. As a result, most of these individuals decide to file bankruptcy on their own instead of hiring a lawyer to save money. Even if you are filing bankruptcy on your own, you will need to pay the same filing fees and costs. … Continue reading “How Bankruptcy Attorneys Help Their Clients”
When Should You Contact a Debt Relief Attorney?
You can end up in debt for a number of reasons. It might be due to being overly liberal with your credit card usage. However, you may wind up in serious debt because of circumstances that are not under your control such as medical bills and emergency home repairs. If you have a lot of … Continue reading “When Should You Contact a Debt Relief Attorney?”
Want to Stop Foreclosure? Read This!
Losing your home to the creditors or the lenders is a nightmare. When you default on your payments or don’t pay them as stipulated, you stand a strong chance of losing your home. The creditor can claim ownership over your house to settle the debts. This process is called foreclosure. Is there a way to … Continue reading “Want to Stop Foreclosure? Read This!”
What is a Chapter 13 Means Test?
Bankruptcy can be one of the lowest points in your life. However, it shouldn’t stop you from starting fresh. With the help of our team at Segaul Law Firm, you can file for bankruptcy and pave the way for a new beginning. Chapter 13 helps you restructure your finances. This process mandates the debtor, you, … Continue reading “What is a Chapter 13 Means Test?”
Why Should You Consider Hiring a Foreclosure Lawyer?
Many times people purchase houses without considering the expenses and their financial position. If you default on your house payments, you stand a strong chance of losing your home. If you have been struggling to keep up with house payments, consult with a lawyer to stop the foreclosure process. The foreclosure lawyers at the Segaul … Continue reading “Why Should You Consider Hiring a Foreclosure Lawyer?”
How much of my debt do I have to pay back in a Chapter 13?
Your chapter 13 plan payment is based on your non-exempt assets and your income. The less assets you have, the less income you have, the less your payment will be. Most people who file a Chapter 13 only pay back a small percentage of their unsecured debts. If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, I suggest … Continue reading “How much of my debt do I have to pay back in a Chapter 13?”
If I file bankruptcy, will they take my lawsuit settlement?
If you have a claim for personal injury or medical malpractice against a third party, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee has the right to settle your claim and use the funds to pay your creditors. If you have a claim, you should consider filing a Chapter 13 so you remain control of the claim. If … Continue reading “If I file bankruptcy, will they take my lawsuit settlement?”